+61 02 8999 1919 enquiries@aqualus.com

Meter Data Management

 The Aqualus software suite provides all the tools to manage a fleet of digital water meters, including everything from customer relationships, billing, water analytics and field installation and maintenance work.


The suite also includes tools to manage the data from other devices in relation to wastewater networks, weather and agriculture etc.

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Please note MiWater is currently undergoing rebranding to Aqualus

Smart Water

From council to customer

Aqualus has been designed with water utilities for water utilities, specifically to handle the unique data and processes that emerge from the widespread adoption of digital metering.

Aqualus not only handles the collection and analysis of billions of data points, it also provides integrated asset management and record-keeping for the installation and maintenance of large fleets of digital meters.

Additionally, Aqualus includes a customer-facing portal application that allows consumers to view their own water consumption in near real-time and understand how their behaviour affects their water consumption.  


Benefits of Using Aqualus Water

– Reduce water demand by reducing leaks and helping customers change consumption behaviours.

– Reduce non-revenue water by detecting network leaks.

– Improve customer experience by engaging them in their water consumption patterns, and alerting high consumption and leak events.

– Improve the accuracy and completeness meter asset and installation records.

DATA Management

Billions of data points converted into valuable insights

The Aqualus Application is owned and managed by Taggle Systems who provides a complete managed solution for smart water networks from sensor to software. 

Data collected from different device providers can be imported, processed and analysed by Aqualus.

While Aqualus is built to process large scale smart water meter data, the solution is growing to support many other devices. For example sewer network monitoring with level sensors, odour and gas detection, weather stations and rain buckets.

Aqualus Customers

Aqualus is used by water utilities and municipal authorities to manage their fleets of smart meters.

Get in touch

Ask us for a quote, for more information or a demonstration!